Collaboration in a global scope

All management staff and employees at AKID Consultants are professional, committed and have many years of project experience, as well as significant business links to many other countries.


Find out more about us and allow us to partner you in your next project.

A message from the President 


"AKID is ready to shake hand with all investors, academics, specialists, and traders from around the Globe, giving the highest standard of services in a global scope."


Dr. Ali Kashkooli

BSc., MArch, PhD, Post-Doc of Architecture and Industrial Designer


President of AKID Consultants 



Award winning architect in the following international competitions:

-ISOVER International Skyscraper Design Competition 2011, New York, USA;

-Dragon’s Den in Sheffield 2010, UK, Planning of 'Open Sheffield Project', Sheffield, UK;

-Incheon International Urban Design Competition 2009, Incheon, South Korea.